Wednesday 23 May 2012

My 4 years in UKM

When everything comes to an end, I feel so bad. So bad that i got a lot of memories in this place. What i gonna be after i leave this place?

Looking at the faces that I gonna miss soon, looking at the places that i usually lepak, looking at the faculty which is my second home, and looking at myself, have i changed? All the memories are with me, it drag me from stepping out from this comfort zone. I know life is still moving on, i know our gate is opening soon, and i know i gotta run with all resort that equipped with me and gonna fight with the weapons with me. But still, can't accept the fact that it's no turn back time. Too soon for me?

Ya, i gotta finish 1/4 of my life, or maybe 1/3? end of the day i found myself got nothing, i have to move on to another new chapter of my life, and start all over again, from zero. yea... that's what i get after all this while.

Now i in the process of jumping out from the comfort zone, i might be hurt, lost , even change. Anyway, never try never know,we would not know how far we can reach without trying..

No matter how hard the situation is, never give up, because the return might be fruitful and well rewarded. Pray for good destiny, and determination to complete the future challenges. Cheers!

Sunday 13 May 2012


我只能低著頭發呆 讓回憶滲透腦袋 漸漸變空白 
我把它當作個意外 但內心還想不開 以為我明白 其實你都還在 
我想起了遇見你的時候 想起你眼神中的溫柔 想起了我們第一次牽手 我閉上眼 
想起當時你懷裡的顫抖 似乎那麼害怕失去我 然而到後來我什麼都沒有 當你離開的時候 
我可以裝作已釋懷 他對我也算關懷 他看不出來 
我知道這樣不應該 在他身上找依賴 算不算是種出賣 因為你一直在 
我想起了遇見你的時候 想起你眼神中的溫柔 想起了我們第一次牽手 我閉上眼 
想起當時你懷裡的顫抖 似乎那麼害怕失去我 然而到後來我什麼都沒有 當你離開的時候 
我想起你親吻我的時候 想起你眼神中的沉默 想起了我們平靜地分手 我閉上眼 
想起當時你每一個承諾 把你整個心都交給我 然而到後來我什麼都沒有 
我想起了遇見你的時候 想起你眼神中的溫柔 想起了我們第一次牽手 我閉上眼 
想起當時你懷裡的顫抖 似乎那麼害怕失去我 然而到後來我什麼都沒有 當你離開的時候

当上帝创造阿当和夏娃时,为什么他不把爱创造得更明确点? 相爱是件苦差,当爱不是完整时,它总有零碎掉落在某个角落,而那个零碎,也有变成完整的一天。

Thursday 3 May 2012

The end of Mock Trial

Finally i ended my mock trial, although i lose the case. I have to admit that it is not easy to reach prima facie case. I must admit that defence counsel is better than us. Surprise element every where. Especially in tense environment at mock court. It's ok it's alright. It's just a mock.

Many things happened just bcos to prepare this mock. Now i know we can't judge a person by it's cover. Frz can be enemy and enemy can be frz also. But, i believe in karma. When someone do this to u, definitely she will pay bc the same too in future.

Apart from winning and losing, ethic and courtesy are totally lose. Nvm, at least i know the true colour of someone. Remember, what u did is what u gonna pay in future. can i say u r a hypocrite? at least i know u r.

I lose the case, but i win the friendship among us.