Sunday 23 October 2011

it's just a beginning..




现在的我就像无头乌蝇, 天天都在做。。 人是人非,谁是谁非,不清不楚了。。 每个人都有偷生 的技巧,逃避的借口,天生t成精了。人的出发点都是为了自己,很怀疑人性格到底有没有海底针那么难捉摸,有多残忍和自私呢。。我也不知道,默默地做,会不会为自己带来好处呢?还是会让人骑在头上做牛做马?哎。。。。细胞又死几个了。。


Saturday 8 October 2011

First time in Zouk

I had successfully go for clubbing for the very first time in my life.. wow~ this was the memorable moment that i ever had because it was fun!

The entrance is expensive. damn! The beer got no taste, only gases. I can't drink as i easily drunk but i still can drink one shoot that nite without any feeling.. means alcohol free i guess.. the bass was damn loud, i can fell the dance floor is bursting soon!! but we manage to jump on it before it burst!

It was crowded that nite. People keep coming in and out. Stepped on my feet. Many hamsap lou tried to stay near v us. Luckily we hired body guard. We got ample space to shake. Nice to release stress, but definitely no good for health. People smoking there and there, hugging, kissing, drinking, pok mong-ing.. Dancing v friend is nice..

Dun try addicted to this kind of life. Must be alert in there. When i came out i regretted as the nicotine smell is v me.. now i can't feel my leg anymore...

This is so called "friday nite".

Tuesday 4 October 2011



现实中没有的东西人都渴望会有,或许有一天会有。 如果有了这两样东西,很多过去的事都能弥补,对吧。还记得那句“后悔难买早知道”。对不起,这三个字其实是弥补不了记忆和心灵。
