Thursday 19 January 2012


终于考试来到了尾声。。 又是时候放空自己。。可以好好的休息,真好。

但,考试完毕,也代表着我和工作不远了。 是时候计划了吗?



Tuesday 17 January 2012

New Year Mood



长大的孩子,已经没有了童年时那么开心了。。 新年来临,我很高兴,就只因为要放假了。。 能够休息正好。 以我这副懒骨头,我很难想象我做工的情景。应该会生不如死吧?哈哈。。还是要挑个金龟嫁了算?哈哈。。可是金龟也不会看上我吧?唉。。靠自己好咯。。




Friday 13 January 2012

To Sir With Love

Finally i met 2 wise lecturers  in my 4 years study life. They let me know the different between lecturer and practitioner..
Guess which one I mentioned about? I believe that every one can teach on academic. but not every one can teach us on how to become a better person with high dignity. i like the way he taugh, i like his grandmother story. Every story contains a lesson to us. He can gather our intention when he talk. i think this is persuasive skill that possess by a great practitioner? Hope that some day i can be like him. hehe.. If he is a member of parliament, i definitely will vote for him. He taught us not to mention people ethnic when address some one. This is the real 1 Malaysia that i can foresee :-) Of course, his bmw 7 series also impress me .. haha...

Another lecturer, my idol, no photo here, but i can remember his slang. haha.. My idol, why? Every word come out from him is powerful. He used his words to make people understand, the exact word. I impress on his oral skill , his confidence, and the way he think, the way he address his opinion, the way he analyse, he can persuade me very well and there is no room for me to think the other way round. Geng! 

They let me know that practitioner lecturers is better than lecturers.

Tuesday 3 January 2012


新的一年, 快快回想自己做了什么事,达成了什么愿望..

1) 最高兴的事: 我不再是牙套妹了~

2) 最伤心的事: 我没了公公..

3) 进步奖 : 终于不是局限在课本上,总算有到圈子里兜兜看看..

4)难分难舍奖: 天下无不散之筵席, 好多朋友都毕业了...

5) EVIL 奖: 初恋结婚了,但我并不希望他幸福..


not bad, 至少有收获~